I am starting up the road alone: Выхожу один я на дорогу… - Михаил Лермонтов


Starting up the road, I feel so lonely;
Flinty way is gleaming through the haze;
Still the night. The desert is God’s only,
And the stars are talking at the space.

All the heaven is full of joy and glory!
Land is sleeping in the shine of blue,
Why should I feel always pain and sorry?
Is hope lost? Do I regret anew?

Life goes on with lack of expectations,
Yet I don’t regret my past at all;
Peace and freedom are my inspirations!
Into sleep, while dreaming, I would fall!

But it’s not the cold of grave that keeping…
Everlasting sleep would be the best,
Let me feel the force of life through sleeping,
Let my breathing softly heave my chest;

Let all day and night, my ear to cherish,
A sweet voice singing of love to me,
And above me, green and never perish,
Leaves would rustling in a grand oak-tree. 

Валерий Игнатович, поэтический перевод, 2010

Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 862 № 81605 от 31.07.2010

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Выхожу один я на дорогу… - Михаил Лермонтов

Starting up the road, I feel so lonely;

Flinty sand is gleaming through the haze;
Still the night. The desert is God’s only,
And the stars are talking at the space.

All the heaven is full of joy and glory!
Land is sleeping in the shine of blue,
Why should I feel always pain and sorry?
Is hope lost? Do I regret anew?
I am starting up the road alone;

Through the mist, the flint looks softly bright;
Still the night. The desert is God's own,
And the stars are talking at a height.

All the heaven is full of joy and glory!
The whole world is sleeping in blue haze…
Why should I feel always pain and sorry?
Is hope lost? Do I regret my days?