Дата: 29-05-2009 | 01:15:56
I love a storm at May’s beginning,
When the first thunderclaps of spring,
As though, enjoying of its greening,
Roar in the space of sky blue ring.
Young bursts of thunder-claps are growing,
Look, rain is sprinkling, dust up fled,
The pearly strings of rain are flowing,
The sun is gilding sparkling threads.
The tunes of birds reprise asunder,
A stream is running down the hill,
Both gaily echo to the thunder:
Noise at a height and sounds of trill.
You’ll say, it’s Hebe, windy-headed,
When fed the eagle of Zeus, has spilt
From heaven to earth her cup, embedded
With thunderstorms, and laughed her lilt.
Валерий Игнатович, поэтический перевод, 2009
Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 862 № 70151 от 29.05.2009
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Тема: Re: I love a storm at the May’s beginning: Весенняя гроза - Федор Тютчев Валерий Игнатович
Автор Валерий Игнатович
Дата: 29-05-2009 | 01:16:18
1. новая версия 02.08.2013
2. 6-й русско-английский конкурс, 2006 год