Автор: Наташа Корн
Дата: 24-11-2022 | 00:12:29
Наташа Корн, 2022
Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 3778 № 171382 от 24.11.2022
1 | 3 | 460 | 21.12.2024. 21:09:25
Произведение оценили (+): ["Ирина Бараль", "Игорь Крюков"]
Произведение оценили (-): ["Борис Лазарев"]
Okay. The day will come when you understand why this is necessary. We eat not because it's healthy, but because we're hungry, but poetry is not so simple. By the way, is harmony with oneself a very rare thing? It is possible that almost the whole essence of your poetry is manifested in this phrase; at least there is something very close to it.
Тема: Re: Без зеркала Наташа Корн
Автор Валерий Игнатович
Дата: 28-12-2022 | 00:14:16
I would like to clarify what style your poems belong to and, if you chose it consciously, what was the reason for it? Sometimes they remind me a little bit of one author. Your poems sound quite modern; there are interesting and subtle images in them. Of course, everything is necessary to be improved. It is not easy to say right away how good poems are, as they are to pass the test of time, criticism and comprehension on the part of thinking readers. Meanwhile, the upcoming date obliges: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!