Utu Man (44) Distance

Дата: 04-10-2009 | 03:29:43

A butcher-bird flies far, far away from me,
I no longer see its beak, or claws, or wings.

A leopard roams far, far away from me,
I no longer see its ears, or paws, or spots.

A woman walks far, far away from me,
I no longer see her face, or hands, or dress.

All three become just dots
on the unrolled azure canvas,
it is impossible to tell which one
is the butcher-bird, or leopard, or woman…

In a sense, each one becomes all three,
a freckle on the face of unreality,
each form reduced to a speck,
details obliterated by distance.

Now, if all three came back,
it would be hard to tell who's who,
and even if only one returned,
the others would come, too.

I know the woman is dead
and the leopard was shot last year –
I put out seeds for the butcher-bird
waiting for all of them here.

Вланес, 2009

Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 790 № 73164 от 04.10.2009

0 | 0 | 1708 | 02.11.2024. 23:43:38

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