Дата: 14-09-2009 | 11:14:50
A wide low bowl
on the window-pane,
its right side turned
to the glow
of the setting sun.
Painted animals,
large-eyed cows,
flower-horned deer,
music-muscled leopards
one by one
pass and disappear
into the column
of dark orange light.
They emerge on the other,
darker side,
rinsed and crystallised
by the sun's fire.
Pristine, they move again
along the patterned plain.
Or, maybe, they emerge pristine
from the dark that chisels them,
but soon become the same
shapeless tongues of orange light,
and struggle to regain
themselves on the darker side.
Вланес, 2009
Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 790 № 72614 от 14.09.2009
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