Evidence Of The Unfinished Game

Дата: 14-11-2015 | 15:00:17

Tacit. Field of battle.
Morning dew shines on
Empty eye–sockit of sculls cracked.
Grass grows through helmets
Slain by bullits at the fureful blood attack.

Somewhen in theese places
Worriers rush on an
Armour, scattering their brains.
Ribs caught cool bayonets
Earth cried out. Stones like bones can be in pain.


White bones. Black stones
Combination is like dusty draughtboard.
Dead gone can’t mourne.
So what? So what?!..
Did their bones
Stop the war?
Did ever stones
Fully score?
White bones
Black stones -
Of The Unfinished

After great massacre
They looked small who were
Dying in the craters of big bombs.
Night hides dead heros.
And nobody come to bury their bare bones.


White bones. Black stones.
Combination is like dusty draughtboard.
Dead gone can’t mourne.
So what? So what?!..
Did their bones
Stop the war?
Did ever stones
Fully score?
White bones
Black stones -
Of The Unfinished

Vir Varius, 2015

Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 451 № 115488 от 14.11.2015

0 | 2 | 1519 | 16.09.2024. 07:55:05

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Тема: Re: Evidence Of The Unfinished Game Vir Varius

Автор Кохан Мария

Дата: 14-11-2015 | 22:39:29

Йессс! Стоит иногда погружаться в архаику, Вир) А эта игра лишь не закончена, или она - незаканчиваемая, все-таки? Может: unfinishable? Или это чересчур мрачно?

Тема: Re: Re: Evidence Of The Unfinished Game Vir Varius

Автор Vir Varius

Дата: 09-12-2015 | 16:30:50

Re: Evidence Of The Unfinished Game Вир Вариус 2015-11-15 03:38:48 Спасибо, Мария, оставим как есть. Песня написана для экстремального музыкального направления, именуемого death-metal.
С ув