From Velimir Chlebnikov

My needs are few!
Just a slice of bread,
And a drop of milk,
This heaven’s spread,
This clouds’ silk.

Today, again, I’ll face the life,
The bargaining, the market ground,
I’ll lead my host of songs to strive

With surf of market, that’s around.

    Don't play pranks

Hi, shopkeepers, manikins,
With the wind in each head,
In the Robin Hood’s sheepskin,
London that's where I'm at.
Will of truth we raise high
Not for those who just want,
Wearing sables through the night,
To mock us at their jaunt.
Not for this at the foe
Blood ran down at low prices,
For the salesgirls would show
Pearls on hands just like spices.
Lonely night, like a string,
Grows longer -
I will swim, I will sing
By the Don-Volga!
Let there forth be
Evening boats, I will send,
Who will fly with me?

And with me - all my friends!

Валерий Игнатович, поэтический перевод, 2015

Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 862 № 113124 от 22.07.2015

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In the original text it is said that this sheepskin doesn’t belong to Robin Hood, but to Emelian Pugachev (Pugachev’s sheepskin), and the character of this poem is walking not in London, of course. The changes have been done only for emotional impression of English speaking readers.

Мне мало надо!
Сегодня снова я пойду…
Не шалить!


I need a little!
Just a slice of bread,
And a drop of milk,
This heaven’s spread,
This clouds’ silk.