
Don't play the fool. Don't say that you admire
all of the words dropped once into the air...
So many things can be destroyed by little "Fire!",
so many times we miss the calm "repair"...
I hate some words (It's not joke! That is true!):
I see they're changing life they're passing through...
Don't play the fool. When climbing up the hill -
be quiet as possible, be wise... Some words do kill!
But when the hurricanes of words go mile by mile -
don't pray for still. Believe me! Pray for style...

Разумовская Наталья, 2012

Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 936 № 95199 от 19.09.2012

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Тема: Re: Wordless Разумовская Наталья

Автор Юрий Касянич

Дата: 20-09-2012 | 14:04:05

Hi! So what?
Cheers, YK.