Дата: 19-10-2009 | 16:29:24
I think it is evaluation time of my life,
To find what I did right, what I did wrong,
To make sure I already told my wife
That I am so happy to be with her all along.
I have to go to see my very old friend
To ask his forgiveness for bringing him pains
And I must do it before the end
When blood ceases flowing in my veins.
I have to water the tree in front of my house
That I planted myself just a year ago.
I have to set up a trap for annoying mice
That I promised my daughter I would do so.
I am planning to do one more little thing
That I put for years on the shelf.
If there is a chance to do it before my clock starts to ring,
I need to find peace between me and myself.
Аркадий Шляпинтох, 2009
Сертификат Поэзия.ру: серия 1275 № 73646 от 19.10.2009
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